There's ambition in these waters
The Bluefin Group is an innovative e-commerce business, with acclaimed international export & online retail expertise. From humble, yet fiercely driven beginnings we have seen astronomical growth & a rapid rise to being key players in each sector that we operate in.
An Ideal Setting
You could say that being based on a big hill in Yorkshire is the ideal setting for lofty ambitions, looking down on mill towns renowned for their enduring industry, hard graft and grit. It’s perhaps fitting that the world’s woolen goods were once produced in this region and exported on a grand global scale.
Our network of team members operates from West Yorkshire, to Barcelona, to Vancouver, to East Asia and beyond. In the last few years we have grown from a staff of four in a home-office to over fifty employees, split between the continent and our modern purpose-built office facility in the Calderdale hills.